Don't Cut In Front Of Me!

Gawd! I don't care if I'm supposed to be serene, forgiving or patient when I'm fasting; cut in front of me when I'm queuing and you'll get told off - loudly, if I might add. I don't care if you have 10 items or just 1 item, queue up properly or get risked getting sarcastic remark from me.

Calm down Lina, calm down...
Good thing the Bangladeshi staff at the weighing counter didn't entertain that queue jumper yesterday while I was waiting to weigh my stock of bananas. And the person in front of me refused to let her cut queue. I can't resist telling her off because she stubbornly stood there with her stuff. Can you imagine she still had the cheek to scold the staff. I mean, the staff was just doing his job and doing it well, I have to say. Most staff just allow queue jumpers to avoid confrontation.

But if they do it with me in the line, I'll have a confrontation with them. I just can't fathom why some people will just meekly stand aside and let these selfish people have their way. Wuss!

And to wannabe queue jumpers, don't ever use "but this is fasting month, I'm fasting" nonsense with me. Hell! I fast too. My 9 y.o. fast too, and he wouldn't dream of doing it.


  1. I've seen that happening at buffet lines - it's as if the extra one minute gained from jumping queue made a huge difference.

    It's not like the food's going to run out *shakes head*

  2. oh, i am the first one today?? where are the others?? already gone for the raya holidays??

  3. oh no!! somebody's ealier than me for 2 minutes!! all best i was distracted by the TV, haha~~ :D

  4. so what has fasting to do with the rights of jumping queue?? nonsense!! fasting does not means she can jump queue!!

  5. yes, Gadis Lina, go confront and give them a good lesson!! make them embarrass and walk away to queue from the back!!

  6. jumping queue is WRONG no matter what! I hate them too and if the cashier layan them I'll not hesitate to voice out!

  7. Sigh.. Some people have no qualms about jumping queue. I too have no reservations about telling people off (mostly women, sad to say) though I do often let the one behind me go ahead if he/she has just an item or two and mine is a trolley-load.

  8. @sriyany,
    Yeah, I hate those queue jumpers at the buffet line too. Everyone else can queue nicely, how come they can't? :(

  9. @SK,
    "Jejaka" SK... these people usually not easily embarassed one. More often than not, they behave like we did them wrong by telling them to queue up. Tak malu lansung!

  10. @Merryn,
    Yeah, I'd voice out too if the cashiers simply let these queue jumpers have their way. Some cashiers seem to be scared to tell these people to queue properly.

    I especially hate it when adults think nothing of jumping my son's queue. Like,hello? You not embarrassed to jump a child's queue? What values are you trying to teach children? Hmph!

  11. @HappySurfer,
    Yeah, if one ask, then we can give way but to boldly cut other people's queue - that's annoying to say the very least.

  12. I am with you one this,, bravo bravo

  13. I hate queue jumpers! Not only that I hate queues!!!

  14. Being in a queue already put me in a bad mood, if anyone tries to jump the queue ahead of me, he or she will definitely get it from me!!

  15. LOL!! What is all this gadis and jejaka thing going on between u and SK? LOL!!

  16. @eugene,

    Kakaka... SK call me gadis since I scolded him for calling me a makcik. Now, I call him jejaka lor...

  17. Some people are just apathetic and not-educated enough to understand the rules... sad reality.

  18. @Webbielady,
    those people just dont have manners and courtesy to others. :(

  19. Your post reminded me of an email sent by my friend yesterday about dealing with temper. Sometimes people can be really infuriating that I forget to control my temper :)

  20. @jellybelly,
    Well, yeah we need to control our temper; just as we need to be courteous to others.


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