Like Mother, Like Son

Remember my post about being too pre-occupied? What do think looking at these photos. Just like his Mom? ;-)

If he doesn't play with his Nintendo DSi while we were enjoying our drinks at Starbucks, he'll be bugging me for a chance to use the notebook.

Fortunately for his Mom, he doesn't like my taste for drinks and preferred his Dad's green tea drinks instead. More for me to enjoy!


  1. teach him to blog too... good to improve the writing skills :P.

  2. @Willie & Ladyviral,
    If he does blog, I really need to buy him him own notebook! LOL

    But yes, I agree tha it'll be great tool to improve his writing skills.

  3. Hi Lina!

    Lucky you he wouldn't fight with your drink! haha!

    He'll blog in time! Our kid will too =P

  4. @Ayie,
    He doesn't like my choices of drinks. You know, he'll drink Jasmine Green Tea with his dad at home and didn't really want my orange juice too. :D

    Yeah, Raimie will blog one day, I'm sure of that. ;)

  5. You get a new notebook... he gets your old one haha!

  6. @ladyviral,
    see lah... if get bonus this year, can consider that! :D

  7. Haha! Lucky Raimie doesn't like your type of drinks! No need to fight! So he fights with daddy over drinks then? ; )

  8. Yeah, Raimie should start a blog! Get him a notebook lah. What's a notebook when you can have holidays in Japan right? ; )

  9. And then after he started his blog, ask him to be my follower. Hahahaha!

  10. @foong,
    all savings go to Japan trip, no money left already! LOL I'm still saving money to buy a DSLR!

    You got so many follower oredi, still want ah? ;)


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