Our Recycling Pile

I'm quite OCD about my pile.

I don't throw out paper in the bin. Small, loose ones and brochures goes to A4 boxes that I keep in the store. At the moment, there are two boxes filled with loose papers.

I stack up newspapers and magazines (those free ones la, not my precious, precious running mags) in neat piles ready to be sent to recycling centres.
Magazine pile, newspaper pile, loose paper pile in A4 boxes.
Bottles and cans will be washed and a weekend activity with Son was compacting the cans and bottles.

I've posted about my pile before and got scolded for breeding cockroaches. How could I breed cockroaches if my pile is clean??? Pffffttttt...

Bottles are rinsed and washed. Cans too. It's to avoid among others, ants from swarming at them. Also, to recycle these you need them to be clean.

Pizza boxes must be scrapped of food. Rinse those milk cartons too. Contaminated or soiled paper and cardboards are not recyclable.

We're still learning to properly recycle. Actually, not only to recyle BUT to REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE.


  1. we have a recycling bin next to the garbage bin and it's always full every week! apparently at the recycling warehouse they have to filter through the crap to ensure non-recycleable stuff are included - saw on documentary. damn a lot of work! O.o

    1. Yeah, it's a whole lot of work. O.O

      If we can reduce it from our end, I suppose it's a help, right?

  2. awesome deed!! while i do keep the papers and magazines in piles, i don't think i did the same like you to the cans and bottles.. most of the time will just so conveniently ditch them in the bin.. * how malu *

    1. It's become a habit already now. Hahaha

      Sometimes, I had to Huang in the bin instead of take it home, and I feel so rygi. LOL

  3. that's really not OCD lah, i think it make sense to pile the old news paper neatly (or at least not campak here and there) preparing for them to be sent off for recycling or sold to the "suratkhabar lama"..

    1. Magazines & newspapers, yalah

      But i also wont just chuck paper (loose ones) to buang. You know, pizza brochure etc... I keep it in a separate stash. :-P

  4. hmmm, washing the cans and bottles and cartons clean and crush them.. errr, i probably won't bother to wash or rinse them lah, lazy!! but do crush and keep them in plastic bags (crush because it saves space) and then sell them off for some small money~~ :p

  5. the awareness of Malaysians towards REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE is still in a very low level.. i am very proud of Mak Glam to be able to take initiative to help save the environment, and doing it together with her kid.. cool!! :)

    1. You are right.

      For us, we too are just starting going about it.

      If we see the recycling bin outside, we can see how apathetic Malaysians (or those in Malaysia) are about recycling. :|

      Recycling bins are just another place to throw rubbish for them. :-/

  6. Just like my parents did the same thing, rinse/wash and pile nicely all the cans and mineral bottles. Boxes are cut and fold nicely. I'm the one who will bring them to the recycle shop.

    1. Over here, we have bins.

      And Malaysia Nature Society do have arrangement with companies (malls, corporate offices) to collect recyclabes.

      What MNS get, they will sell off and the proceed goes to their fund. Charity with our waste. :-)

  7. Even the 5kg cooking oil bottles, glass bottles all arrange in a box and easy for me to take into the car...

    1. I have a neighbour who actively collects recyclables. And every week, we'd see her car boots full of plastic bottles and containers. She passes it to a Buddhist volunteer group to sort and recycle. :-)

  8. I fully support this cause. My family also throw loose papers in boxes and i will sent them to a recycling agent.

  9. Yup!!! All my families members are fully support recycling!!! =]

  10. I fully support your recycling habits. Most shops in Chengdu do not provide plastic bags, so I went unprepared and put everything in my backpack. All their dustbins have recycling bins too. Now they made me feel that we are slightly slower in this habit.

    1. Yeah, I do think we fall behind when it comes to awareness to recycle.

  11. My office colleagues and all bosses are heavy smokers so I saw no point in educating them about recycling papers unless they will quit smoking first as cigarettes require trees to be cut and burnt for their bad nicotine habits.

    We only reuse A4 papers and print again behind on the clean pages.

  12. Love this entry! Saya rasa bangga sebab pejam celik pejam celik saya dah buat ni selama 10 tahun. *lompat bintang*. It feels so good knowing that our effort is actually contributing to something, kan? Yes harus bilas semua tin2 & botol2 tu (my hubby kata takyah ishh...I dulu buat research sebelum mula recycling ni). Patutnya label pun kena cabut kot...tapi I tak buat dah (sebab hubby kata takpayah? err)

    1. Tutup botol plastic pun kn separate from botol kaca.

      Hihihi I pun x buang labels walaupun kena. Isk isk

      Millie, wow! Dah 10 tahun!

      I baru nak terhegeh-hegeh start ni.

  13. It's good to recycle, if everyone also acts like you, then the world will surely be a better place! ;)

    1. I'm just learning & starting to properly recycle.

      Actually, we need to reduce first. ;-)


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