The Years So Far... Running Road Races

It's been 2 years and 3 months since I ran in my first ever road race. I've never done fun runs or any road races be it 3K, 5K before I jumped into a 10K race; which I did by joining KLIUC Unity Run in Sep 2011, a few days before my 36th birthday.

Running in it was fun and I had a great time despite not knowing a single soul at the race.
First ever race photo at first ever road race, courtesy of QQ's snap and Nick was the one who tagged the photo. Thank you!!! ^^
2011 & 2012 races that I've done
2013 races
Admittedly I pale in comparison when compared to other runners out there, in terms of races, mileage and of course, speed; but I'm pretty satisfied with what I've done and achieved. Yes, I want to have more. I want to be better. I want to be faster. I want to run longer. I want to go further. But I want to have all that on my own terms. Not anybody else's.

2014 will see me slowing down significantly but I hope to still enjoy running regularly. I may do a bit of supporting instead of running too.

So running friends, see you when I see you. ^^

Holler and say hi if we bumped into each other. I'll say hi, definitely. Unless I purposely am trying to ignore you. heh heh

Oh yeah, whoever running at MAEPS Serdang this Sunday, see you there! ^^


  1. sure 2014 you'll be slowing thought i saw some where someone mentioned "register again".. LOL

  2. 2 yrs 3 months is quite a short time but you seems to have master running very well. From running alone now whole family join in the fun

    1. No la... A lot of other people running in less time than I did had done way better.

      Like you said, I'm just happy I'm running. Son also running at races a few times a year and I got my wish to run marathons with my hubby. :)

    2. 2 years wad a long time ago. Congrats on making progress.

  3. i can still remember vividly when you just started running.. you were only allowed to take one race per month, and that also depends on the mood of your hubby..

    now it seems like things have changed, your hubby fully supports you and you are given full freedom to choose the race you want to go (but of course you are a reasonable person that select the race carefully too).. he even joins in for fun and bonding.. ah, nice changes that is~~

    1. Yeah, up to June 2012; I only entered 1 race a month. And have to ask first before registering.

      Then suddenly after that, BAM! Even got a month where I ran 5 races!

      I am sure touched by the way both hubby and son support me. Without them, sure I cannot even do half the run I did. ^^

    2. Letchumi also said the same that without me she could not enjoy all the activities she missed in her young days. You are also doing the 2 supportive young men to live and exercise healthily. You can easily count the numbers around who lost their directions in life. Wakakakaka

  4. i think it may not be appropriate to measure how many races you have run, how many km you have run, how many medals and finisher tee you have bagged, how many goodies bag you have grabbed.. that doesn't mean anything to you right?? i think you run for the sake of getting yourself enjoying the run than any other things else.. and if your boys are joining together, that would be the best thing you are doing together as a family..

    1. SK always has the perfect words.

      True indeed!

      But that said, I still do keep an exhaustive record of my runs. I do love freebies in goodies bags still. Medals and tees : those I chuck aside. :P

  5. so where is your 2014 list?? i thought you should already have that by now, since it's just three more weeks to go before we bid goodbye to 2013.. oh, time surely has passed so quickly huh?? your boy going Primary 6 or 5 already next year??

    1. Son is going to be in Std 6 in 2014 which play a great part in the slowing down with a lot of things.

      2014 list? RAHSIA. Wanna do a surprise. Hehehe

  6. I really pale in comparison lah! Pucat lesi punya kes I ni kalau compare dengan you huhu!
    Well done Lina. Your achievements are much more & far better than mine.
    Eh...kenapa Newton DNS pulak...? Bib available..? Ehem.

    1. But hey... Quality wise, I pale on comparison with you.

      *bila nak sub2:30for HM* Huk huk

      Newton x pegi sbb not enough training. But bib dah di leggo...

  7. I really admire your spirit in running. I had once interested but given up.

    1. We need to allocate time for this, I guess with your busy schedule, it's a challenge.

  8. I use races to judge my progress, and to preserve the interest of running.
    Definitely middle pack runners like us will not be feasible to compare to the others runners. Just do our best, accept the result and move on. We will discover something new within from time to time, and to me that's sufficient to justify my time and effort on training :)

  9. Wah! From 4 runs in 2011 to 16 runs in 2012. That's a huge leap! Bravo, bunny girl!

    1. And it increased to 18 runs in 2013 >.<

      How about 2014? Where's the list?

    2. Oppsie, just saw your reply to SK that the list is a big RAHSIA :p

    3. ini Ah Hua funny la. Of course got huge leap in 2012 compared to 2011.

      2011, I started running in Sep. Only 4 months in the year.

      2012, I ran 12 months dy. ;-)

      Only increase 2 more races for 2013 compared to 2012. :-P

  10. Am still not into running gear. Have been doing stretching yoga-ing pose in the laziest mode at home, hehehe~

    1. stretching is good wert. Yoga summore.

      Your daughter & son join or not? ;-)

  11. Well done. It is sure hard work, endurance and determination from you. Keep up the good work.

  12. Another running tomorrow? Good luck and have fun!

  13. Great that you persevere. It's amazing to see you getting fitter and slimmer.

  14. I was going to ask why you're slowing down, but I saw your comment about Raimie's school year.

    Dedicated runner, dedicated mother.

    Nara is still happening, though, isn't it? Or Osaka or Kobe or Fuji. Ne?!

    1. Or something... :P

      Am turning into a tiger mom next year. Son better brace for it! LOL

  15. Oops. My comment appeared at the wrong place.

  16. Good morning Miss 8133. You looked so fit, healthy and happily nice in merah! You are only going to be 36?!?!?!? Anay is feeling old and sobbing in Chengdu. Muahahahaha

    I am glad I met a crazy wife who loves outdoors like you to motivate and keep me young. It was her bizzare interests in mountains that prompted me otherwise I would be a fatty and couch potato for sure. From her, I started to see that you also led your family to have so much healthy fun running. So keep running yeah!

    1. Phiak Anay's head!

      I ran my first road race when I was approaching 36!

  17. I am very impressed with your charts showing your progress and calories burnt! It is time to get Meow to lead her family to exercise too. She reads too much and probably snacks too while reading but still so skinny dei. I salute her metabolism la or was it Kaldip made Nasi himpit everyday? Kekekekeke


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