No Monday Blues For Us Tomorrow!

Yeay! No work for both me and Zaini and no school for Raimie tomorrow. We are taking a day off tomorrow as Raimie's school declared tomorrow, Apr 20 as a Cuti Peristiwa. Raimie had his Sports Day on Saturday and have the Monday off.

Raimie entered a few events for his house (he's in Green House) but he didn't take back any medals. That's OK. He can always do better next year and follow Zaini's footstep in representing his house and school in athletics next year. No pressure. LOL

So, tomorrow we get to spend an extra day at our own home instead of FIL's house (we stay there during school days) and enjoying each other's company. Looking forward for a late night dropping and visiting blogs tonight and getting up late tomorrow.


  1. bestnye tak kerja.... jeles jeles

  2. @Yatie,
    jgn jeles. You all dah siap holiday dah hari tu, kan? kan? XD

  3. It's so wonderful to sleep extra hours after an entire week of slogging, isn't it? xD

  4. Back to work today. awwww....

    I'm sure you and your family spent a wonderful time together. :)

  5. @Jim & ECL,
    back to work today. But it was fun having an extra day to spend together. :)

  6. Day off from school and work is such a relaxer! You can just have fun with your little boy!


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