A Kambing Golek Feast

After our trail run in Merapoh last Saturday morning (post here) and enjoyed picnic for our late lunch,  we later were treated with a feast for dinner.

Apart from our group from KL, villagers were also invited to join the dinner feast with two roasted goats (kambing golek), fried bihun, salad and drinks that flowed freely.
Preparation underway for the feast. 
Two kambing golek, that made everyone salivating over them.
Teamwork/"gotong-royong" of carving and slicing the kambing golek for everyone to enjoy. 
Devouring the meat.

It was delicious!

I eat until dunno how many times. Lucky I was still able to sleep soundly afterwards (although somehow still got wide awake at 5.45am). Hahaha

This trip was sure a nice one and the organiser was very generous. 

We got our trail run in the morning.
Picnic for lunch.
A BBQ feast at night.
A caving experience the next morning.
And another picnic for lunch.

Those who stayed until Monday even got to enjoy a trip to Kelah Sanctuary but as Hubby needed to work on Monday, we return to KL on Sunday night.

Thank you Running Project and the people of Merapoh for the hospitality.

I'll post about our caving experience to Gua Jinjang Pelamin next. ^^


  1. I am salivating over the meat now

  2. wow!!! two whole lamb grilling for the hungry group of people!! what a sight!!

    i think it took some time to grill the lamb huh?? you started bright, and when the lamb were done, it was already dark..

    1. Took a few hours lor...

      But we are a patient lot.

      It was nice to sit around and talk while we wait. :)


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