Bacathon (Read-A-Thon) Event At Raimie's School

We went to Raimie's school last Saturday to attend the Bacathon event which was a fund drive event to collect money for the PIBG's (PTA) fund. Students were given a donation book much earlier in which the students' parents need to fill up with donation from the public. The drive ended on Oct 24 and a few selected students from each class read materials in Bahasa and English for the fund drive's closing event. Raimie wasn't one of the students selected for the Bacathon, but we needed to attend because Raimie (or rather, his parents... hehehe) managed to collect enough funds to be one of the top six fund collectors for the whole school. Sorry aunts and uncles for being somewhat "forced" to donate. LOL After all, Zaini being on the PIBG committee, we have to support school events.

Quite refreshing to have the event started right on time, at 8.30am. But we noticed that there were quite a number of parents sauntering in quite late after the event started, even two hours late!
Apart from listening to students reading out materials prepared, we were also entertained with some performances by the students. There were competition beforehand for top readers, and the top readers (in Bahasa and also English) for each class were given prizes that day.

The event closed with some light refreshments and like true Malaysians, the food area got swarmed in no time at all. We took our time to get some food, which was a bad idea because drinks were finished out by the time we got to the buffet area. Oh well...

While parents' participants were a bit lacking, the students came in full force. Actually, the parents who did attend were the usual few familiar faces that we will see each time there's a school event.
Raimie and Zaini with the hamper Raimie got that day. Raimie was pretty proud to go on stage and collect his prize. He didn't mind not getting the bicycles which were the prizes for top two collectors. He already has a bicycle at home. :-)


  1. Uih? One of the staff in my office asked for donation for bacathon before. Your son must be in the same school as my colleague's son.

  2. I guess the kids will be happy if their parents can make their time to attend the events@school.

  3. @Willie,
    Is he in school in Brickefields? :)

  4. @Dora,
    I bet they will appreciate their parents coming to their school. :)

  5. Some parents enjoy the Big Late entrance? :P

    Congratulations to Raimie on the winning... So proud of your son yea? :).

  6. @ladyviral,
    and proud of ourselves too. Hihihi

  7. And he has a cool bike!

    congrats raimie!

  8. good exposure for children to take part..

  9. Nope. In football field. Just kiddo. Nope. Must be in other school. Hehee


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