Fuji-Q For A Birthday Present

It's Raimie's 12th birthday today.

As early as the time we finally decided to make plans to visit Japan, he asked to spend his 12th birthday in a special way in Japan and of course, we obliged.
As he said to us; his final trip to Japan before moving on to "adulthood" or well... into teens. 

I think he inherited Mommy's way of being sentimental.

He sure had fun at the Fuji-Q Highland theme park, riding almost all the scary roller coasters. The exception was the Fujiyama and Dodonpa which were closed for maintenance. He had his birthday present a day early. ^^
He even got a nice surprise of having the birthday song sung to him by a chef at Sushi Zanmai when we had dinner there last night.

Happy 12th birthday son!

May you grow to be a better human being. Be compassionate always. 


  1. Happy Birthday to you kid and that's a memorable birthday to him too , I believe.

    1. Every year is memorable I hope.
      Not only this year. :)
      Thanks for the wish. ^^

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Raimie!!!

  3. Raimie is sure one lucky boy to have the greatest parents in the world..

    he has been to Japan more than anyone and has been celebrating his birthdaysssss abroad!!

    nice!!! ^^

    1. Aiyoh... not as many as others who have travelled the world la Uncle SK.

      But overseas or local, I hope the main thing he'll remember is that we were with him. ^^

  4. Happy birthday Raimie!
    Now promoted to be a "young man" :)

    1. Thanks Uncle Neoh.
      Ya.. young man already. :)

  5. Happy Birthday Raimie! So nice to celebrate it in Japan.

  6. Happy 12th Birthday Raimie!
    Bestnya sambut kat Jepun tuh... Especially with Kak Lina n Zaini tuh... I'm sure he had so much fun there at the theme park... =D

    1. Thanks.

      But of course la mesti celebrate dengan mak bapak dia kan? Hahaha

    2. Mak bapak dia sporting, memang best la sambut togeder2... hehee... Glad to know he had tonnes of fun on his birthday trip. =D

  7. Hi Lina,

    Happy birthday to your boy. He's very very llucky to celebrate it in Japan.

    1. Thanks.

      His second time celebrating it in Japan, actually. :)

  8. I think I saw a Ferris Wheel. I've never tried that in my life and the chef was sporting enough to take photo with him. So, did the shushis there taste like ours over here?

    1. Of course not.
      Just like nasi lemak won't taste the same when you eat it at a restaurant overseas. :P


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