Almost Ready To Roll!

In a week's time, I'll be heading out to i-City Shah Alam to embark on my first full marathon adventure there.

I am ready as I'll ever be for this. Jitters has set in. Cold feet. The feeling of not enough training. Scared shitless of the distance. The list of excuses for not wanting to do this is loooooong. The list of the reason I want to do this is equally as long too. Huhuhu

Piffles Inc has a great post up to handle the days leading to race day. Go over and read it. Trust me (and her). After all, she's a speed demon and a podium finisher to boot! :-)
Preparation for this marathon started early for me. Training, of course. Months beforehand.

I started taking supplements when I started training for my half-marathon last year. My GP was the one recommending me to take the glucosamine supplement as I was having problems with my knee before.

I've read about the benefits of taking glucosamine (& chondroitin) for runners beforehand but it was only after my GP (the one who will be running at SCKLM this year) actually said yes to me did I take it. It was the standard panel clinic ration at first but I didn't like the taste so I just get it at the pharmacy instead. 

(I actually like Blackmores better than the one I'm taking right now. But... the Biolife promoter was so convincing that day) Bwahaha

Fish oil - well, fish oil has anti-inflammatory benefit. It's like a natural painkiller for sore, overworked muscles.

I have problem remembering to eat supplements (multi-vitamins, EPOs, all that stuff you know), even medicines but for these two; I take almost religiously. Anything for running, eh? ^^
Tampon and pads, your choice. What's it got to do with running? It's got a lot to do with running if'you're lucky enough to get your period on race day like me! Three times!

Had my period the night before SCKLM 2012 so I was running at the heaviest time at the race. First day (had it the morning of the race) at Taiping International Marathon 2012 and third time was at Putrajaya Night Marathon 2012. Lucky, lucky, lucky me. 

Again, Piffles Inc has an excellent post on how to handle period while running/racing. Justiffa has a good post on that too plus some other stuff or us lady runners to take note of, too. :)
Wearing a sanitary pad may cause serious chafing, I tell you. So be prepared. Be prepared for chafing at other places too. Along the sports bra line, panty line, running tights line... I had a number of scars from chafing and it made me look like some torture victim! @.@

So don't skimp on those Vaseline. Or Body Glide, if you have those. Chafed skin + shower = PAIN!

Plus, if you have the tendency to blister, either have it Vaselined (is there such a word? o.O) or taped. And oh yeah, must not forget sunblock too!
Fuel and hydration planning - I'll get a simple PB&J breakfast and maybe a handful of nuts on race morning. Or maybe those choc & banana spread. Or both. ^^

I'm thinking of carrying a bottle of isotonic during the race, just in case. And a whole lot of gels (well, just two and a pack of energy chews).

I don't really take gels or energy chews during my run. I usually force maybe one of those Hammer solids and usually do OK with drinking water and a bottle of isotonic during my LSD but this is a 42km we're talking about. Better be safe than sorry!

I experimented with just drinking plain water during one of my LSD (21km two weeks ago) and I suffered after the run! Muscle soreness lingered for three days!

On the other hand, I fared fine after my 30km run last week. I scheduled taking a "solids" at 10km, isotonic at 15km, a gel at 20km and drinking plain water in between and no soreness afterwards. Just a bit "mental" for doing 20km around my apartment's carpark before finally heading out to run the hilly route to and fro Mines! 

I actually like Hammer gels the best because they tasted just like real (mashed) fruit and aren't as sweet as other brands but can't find them so I'll just settle for the ones shown in the photo above.

Talking about fuelling, carbo-loading is something I joked about and never really do properly or seriously before any of my half-marathons but things are different when someone is doing a full, aren't it?
So carbo-loading we must. I'm starting way early so I should be prepared for weight gain by next week! All the carbs and weight gain due to that "time of the month" also. Verrrrry niceeeeee.... Uhukhukhuk

My plan for next week's marathon is one Solids, a glass of water with ORS before the race. Water for up to 10km. Maybe a gel at 15km. Isotonic. Then, energy chews. We'll see. This will be a kind of experiment too, as I've never done more than a 30km before. I'm open to advise.

Still undecided on which shoes to wear.  Uhuhu

Bunny ears & tail may get left behind this time. But I'll put on a pink vest, I think. Pink cap, of course.
And I need to find somewhere to stash this at the route. I just need one chilled can, so the rest can be drunk by others. Zaini said he doesn't mind stationing himself somewhere towards the 36km. ^^

So am I ready or am I ready?

Just go and run lah, I suppose.

Anyway, this post is just me preparing for my first full marathon. It is not an advice post or anything. I'm very much a noob in this running thingy. What do I know about running anyway?


  1. Fuh. So prepped up dy!!!!
    Mixed feelings, man :/

    1. Now, if only the prepping for running itself is done. :-D

      Crossing my fingers & toes I'll finish in 7 hours. Huuuuu~

    2. While I'm feasting on my yummy wantan mee and nasi lemak, sipping aromatic coffee for breakfast around 8am or so, I'll spare a thought for the two of you under the blazing sun trying to negotiate the hills of Shah Alam ... hahaha!

    3. Wah! People running MWM and you already got your meal planned for that particular day ah? Like carbo-loading some more!

      I'll be cursing for you that you didn't join it! wahahaha

  2. Dasat! I hope I can spot you guys in all my busy running around!

  3. Good luck and enjoy your first FM :)

    1. Thanks Neoh!

      Will do my best there! ^^

  4. all the best! You can do it with all the early preparation.

  5. Phew ...

    I think I'll stick to walking.

    All the best, jungle woman! Your soul sister in Tokyo will be rooting for you all the way. Go, pink warrior, go! ^^

    1. I will also eat chocolate non-stop while you're running. Maybe I can send some energy via telepathy to you. :D

    2. No no no... You need to send me more of those Chez Lui chocs. It's for my recovery. LOL

  6. Hi! I visited this blog for the first time. I hope you will get some prize in your first full marathon. I read your other post too. I found thatRaimie become very big now.
    Wishing you a wonderful week ahead.

    1. I'm happy just to finish the marathon next week. ^^

      Yes, Raimie is getting bigger now.

      He is going to a boy scout camping next Tuesday and will be away from home for two nights. :)

  7. aiyo, looks like you are always all ready for your runs lah.. look at all those stocks!! memang mengkagumkan!! but for sure i wouldn't allow myself to stock up things like those in photo #5~~ :D

    1. Better stock up mah, later last minute cannot find or no stock, I kan cheong pulak! :-D

  8. ooopss, i saw that Gatorade Quiet Storm!! know what, i was drinking that while reading your blog lah.. today spending half a day under the sun at cemeteries, must replenish more water lah~~

    1. All of you busy with your ancestors and visiting deceased family members yesterday.

      I guess a hot day is better than a rainy day, SK?

      Yeah must replenish water and hydrate properly esp on hot days. Dunwan to fall dick, do we?


  9. that delicious pasta with grilled chicken again?? haha, you must be very proud of this dish from your cooking huh?? actually i like that also lah.. with a hint of lemon, lagi suka!! :p

    1. This one is different. It's pasta cooked with yoghurt with veges and roasted potato chips on the sides. All vegetarian.

  10. errr, did you miss out something?? your running clothes and also your bunny ears and fluffy bunny tails~~ and also that anticipated petai costume?? :D

    1. Not for the first marathon la.... Hahaha...

      I run this first and a get a feel for the distance later on subsequent marathons, I'll wear my bunny outfit.

      Petai costume belum tempah. :-D

  11. Wahhhhh!!!!! All those for a run! Impressive!

    1. Running a marathon is not just a simple matter of putting on a pair of shoes and going out for a run, STP :-)

      It does take a lot of preparation. It's not only to prepare for the race day, it's also for the days after the race. Need to recover well also. :-)

  12. I get knots in my stomach every time I come across a post, status etc about MWM. Huhuhuuu. Especially today as I have 3 bakul baju nak berlipat & gift baskets due tomorrow/day after..
    Tengok you bagusnya preparation semua in place.
    And I just bought spenco insoles (I decided to wear Mizuno instead of ON, so thought the original insoles dah nipis sikit), it's nice & comfy but making my shoes a bit heavy la pulak.

    1. Millie!

      It's this Sunday. We're doing it this week O.O

      I can get rather OCD about preparation but I bet on race morning, I'll forget to bring something, start late and all that nonsense, like I always do. Hahaha

      Mlm ni dengar the webminar? :-)

    2. I tak dapat dengar webinar malam ni sebab ada kerja sikit then I need to go straight to dancefit 8.30pm. You boleh tolong beritahu nanti apa2 yang menarik dan tertarik..? :). Just in case they don't give the recorded link later la.

  13. Eh. How come you can't find Hammer??? Running Lab at Tropicana City Mall and The Marathon Shop both carry it. Even the bicycle shop at my office carries em. ;)

    1. Gel ah?

      No stock at Running Lab or the shop I always buy in Bangsar.

      Solids, Endurolytes, that fizz thing, that one got la.

      Anyway, I don't want to be running all around KL to find it la. Just take whatever is good/second best.

      Good thing my tummy is ok about taking anything... because I think I've only taken like 6 gels in total from 2011 - 2013! :-D

  14. good luck la sis, sub 6 hours tgk gayanya ni, preparation dah tip top. me lambat lagi nk lari FM

    1. sub6? Ahaha AMIN :-)

      Target habis & esoknye gi kerja, jln x kenkang jer. Wakaka

      Seriously, all those prep are done do I can recover quickly post run. Mokcik nak lari kat BIM lak Bulan 5, Matjoe. :-D

      Anyway, MAKNA run semlm join? :-)

  15. Fulamak, I read your post. I am a bit stressed now I were to run in a marathon. So many things to prepare and get ready for the run.

    1. If you are planning to run a marathon, you really prepare, Yan. Physically & mentally. Running 42km is not easy. Well, for me at least. ;-)

      Butfor shorter distances like a 10k run, you just go out & run lor... & have fun. :-)

    2. I am the one who always had to prepare the check list for Letchumi's marathons, climbs and cycling long distances! She was often so blurr that she could just forgot to bring her shoes along for cycling events! Adoi!

  16. Zaini is so cool that he promised to station and pass you a can of Malta. Yo! Where to find such a supportive husband, lina. You are a lucky devil.

    1. I am great at chasing a great man. LOL

    2. I agree that Lina is a lucky devil.

      I also give my fullest support to Letchumi with her mountain climbs!!! Who on earth climbs so much like her???!!! Anay mampus dei.

  17. Aiyo!!! You gila to share about your periods here!!! Wakakakakakaka.... You damn modern lady!

    1. I'm telling the whole world about my period as information for newbies/would be runners, when they are preparing for a race while having their period. If you check the other links, they also talk about the same thing.

      It's not just me & my period per se but it's to share experience.


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