Too Much Trash

Come to think of it, we do create too much trash among us.

This is just a few week's worth and it's just some empty bottles and empty cartons. What about other trash?

We just sent almost a car boot full of bottles and newspaper to the recycling center before this stash started to accumulate.

We should try to reduce this. For a start, I've stopped buying bottled isotonics and use the ones that I mix on my own now. Using my own bottle instead of relying on bottled water.

Packed lunch to be put in my own container instead of the styrofoam pack.

My family still have a lot of changes to do but little things and effort for a start can go a long way.

We can do it!

Oh, by the way...

Saturday, 8.30pm

Unite to protect our planet. ^^


  1. my house is full of trash..I need to clear them soon!

  2. I tried to minimize the collection in my house. Although it has been almost 6 months since we moved in, I still cannot avoid collecting unnecessary stuff. Lol. Got to do spring cleaning once a while, ya?

    1. definitely. We've been quite a number of stuff ourselves too. ;-)

  3. Yes you can!! I've been doing it for more than 10 years now..of course ada jugak 'terlepas' macam terlupa bawak shopping bags gi beli groceries, still buying bottled/canned drinks especially when stopping by at the petrol station...or buying small lil things that we don't actually need/use...

    1. selama ni, we were just happy that we minimise the usage of plastic bags.

      Recyclables were just given to the apt's cleaners so tu yg tsk nmpk berapa byk trash we generate.

      But lately, we send them to a recycling centre once every few months, ternganga jugak tengok the amount of trash.

      Slowly but surely. We'll try. Kan? :-)

  4. KUS SEMANGAT MAK OI!! i am not shocked by that amount of trash in a week's time.. i am rather "overwhelmed" by how much pizza you are having within a week~~ @_@"

    1. Wei... Its not that bad lah. Those pizza boxes already a couple of months old. Tunggu byk then only go send to recycle.

      Anyway, only got 8 boxes there. Small boxes some more. 1 time order = 2 regular pizza, 1 banana kaya + 1 itu bread thingy. Got 4 kotak already what....

    2. awww, couple of months, i thought you said one week aje..

    3. Why do you keep the pizza boxes? For Raimie's art and craft?

    4. I don't send recyclables out every week la... Keep. A few weeks. They are all clean anyway as we always rinse the bottles and cans so can keep wo whetting busuk, SK. :-)

      Ah Hua,
      No la... Keep, sudah byk baru send to recycling centre. :-)

  5. you had a party is it?? else how can you have so many pizza in a week?? aiyoh, must be this Mak Rempinator lazy to cook, then everyday order pizza delivery ya?? i only eat pizza once in a few months~~ :p

  6. yalah, don't consume too much carbonated drinks lah.. we aged already, have to be a health freak (like Mak Yannie) a little sometimes, haha!! i also trying to cut down carbonated drinks, and drink lots of lemon water, hehehehe~~

    1. Only got 1 Pepsi there what... The rest are 100-plus bottles.

      We drink lemon water but lemon water nit enough to replace electrolytes :-D

      But nowadays, I bancuh my own isotonic drinks already :-)

    2. 100-plus ok wert~ On hot hot days, I let my kids have 100-plus one. I'm the opposite of Mak Yannie, like to indulge in unhealthy lifestyle :p

    3. Eh, how to bancuh own isotonic drinks? Air + garam?

    4. There's powder form and you just add water. A lit of brands come with powder form energy drinks one. They are less sweet than 100-plus, Excel8, Revive and some more, not carbonated. :-)

  7. good girl!! bring your own container to go tabao food from outside lah.. like what i've just started doing.. the other day i saw my styrofoam box kemek after bringing it back home, so scary.. the next day, i bring my own container to tabao already..

  8. to save the environment and also for your own health lah.. styrofoam once heated may release some toxins.. unless everyone use cardboard like the pizza to tabao the food..

  9. oh next week is Earth Hour?? this year is a week earlier, guess it's because next week is Easter..

    1. Earth hour is tomorrow la, Ah Boy. :-D

    2. ooopss, tertype "this week" become "next week" pulak~~

  10. Replies
    1. Got 8 only lah!!!! Small boxes some more :-D

  11. me no need to send to recycle centre. Just need to tapau and put outside the corridor and it will "dissappear".

    1. the cleaner will come and take as they can sell

    2. I used to do that also.... Put saja, someone will clean the stuff.

      But wanna change attitude now la...

      Funny also, whenever the cleaners saw us hauling up those stuff into our car, they would sibuk sibuk just in case we give it to them. LOL

  12. Recycle - reduce - reuse! The 3 R's...

    1. Actually, I rather reduce first. Must try to reduce our carbon footprint. :-D

  13. Happy Earth Hour to all of us.. Let`s unite to protect our Mother Nature... Save energy the smart way... =D see ya soon kak lina!

  14. I don't collect and keep bottles and boxes. When my girl needs it for her art class, I panic and search like headless chicken, lol!

  15. Replies
    1. SP,
      you don't read other people's comments izit? xD

      Those are small boxes. 2 regular pizzas + 1 banana kaya dessert + 1 breadstix for 1 order already got 4 boxes what....

      Where got a lot? Not as if I eat all those alone.

      But I bet Kaldip can la.... wakakak

      Sori ah Meow. Joking only. ^^

  16. My GF always scold me and ask me to throw rubbish after eating..
    if you keep so many rubbish there will be cockroach
    Happy earth hour ya..

    1. There won't be any cockroach for these type of rubbish la SP leng chai. We always wash them before storing them, until such time we send them to recycling centre.

      Don't you do that too?

      Or you just put recyclables together with other waste products to throw out? o.O

  17. Good one. I realise I have cut down on using plastic bags. I have been using recycle shopping bag whenever I go shopping. Like you say, good start.

    1. Yup, reducing plastic usage is a way too start. :)

  18. I will try to cut down using styrofoam pack. I actually seldom drink from bottle, except my own tumbler.

    1. Apart from that, we need to look at other stuff we waste too.

      Even food wastage.

      Must not waste food too.


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