Tenth Day Of Ramadhan : Preparing For UPSR Exam 2014

Yup, today Son is sitting for his Ujian Diagnostik UPSR; something like a pre-trial UPSR (so many exams lah, Mommy also confused now). He's pretty cool and relaxed about it but Mommy worries and felt guilty for not spending more time studying with him.

I think all parents feel the same way too, right? ^^
2 days of exam and then there'll be some UPSR workshop that Son's school had arranged and Son will attend this week. Even on Saturday.

Good luck Son!

Whatever the outcome, Mommy and Daddy hope that you'll do your best first!


  1. i thought Mak Glam is blogging about her everyday in Ramadhan??

    but straight away she jumps to the 10th day..


  2. Ujian Diagnostik UPSR.. oh, such a big word!! hihihi ^^

    all the best to Raimie..

    he's cool about it and sure he is going to do it well.. :)

  3. Good luck to your Son! Am I glad all those exams are over for me hee..hee..

  4. Best of Luck Raimie! I'm sure he'll ace this trial exams... He's been studying hard and smart these days right... Banyak2kan berdoa mudah2an dipermudahkan segalanya Sis... Doa ibu bapa berkat tuh... :-)

  5. Good luck...
    nowadays kids are very fortunate ..
    the parents to help the kids to study together...

  6. Why they name it Ujian Diagnostik UPSR?

  7. I dislike exams.... as a student and as a teacher. stressed. All the best to our darling boy. :)

  8. Thank you uncles and aunties! :)

  9. All the best to your son!! You remind me of what I used to feel many years ago.. hahahaa... that shows how big I am now... hahaha.. Yes, I did feel the anxiety those days... and I was always looking forward to year end school holidays each year... that is the only time to destress!

  10. Raimie is exceptional child. He is so mature for his age and responsible.

  11. only two days? i thought wil be like one week?


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