Understand & Manage Knee Pain For Runners - A Clinic

About three weeks ago, I attended a session held jointly by Apple Physiotherapy & RFA (Run Fast Academy) where they talk about "Understand & Manage Knee Pain For Runners."

It was an eye-opening session for me and I learn lots during the 3-hour session with Jess Lim and Sam Seow.

We started the session with an assessment done by Apply Physiotherapy which included assessment on:
  • Knee alignment
  • Single leg squat
  • Single leg hopping
  • Single leg sit to stand
Afterwards, Sam Seow took us out to do a video analysis on our running form.
Later, Sam talked to each one of us about our running form and his analysis.

It was interesting to learn about my running form. Usually we think we're running one way and turn out it wasn't as we thought, right? A video analysis and discussing about it with a certified coach is indeed an eye-opener for me.

The session later went on with Jess Lim, who is  a physiotherapist and ASCA coach about runners' injuries and she also showed us some specific stretching and strengthening exercise and self massage that we could do at home.

What was covered by Jess Lim:

  1. Anatomy of Knee
  2. Why Knee Pain?
  3. Knee joint strength test
  4. How to manage Knee Pain

Afterwards, Sam Seow who is a running technique specialist (Pose method) talked and discussed about the pose method and how it could help runners prevent injuries - by running in a correct method.

What was covered by Sam Seow:

  1. How you get the Knee Pain through running
  2. Does your sports shoes help you prevent Knee Pain
  3. What are the drills and strengthening exercises that will prevent Knee Pain
A single session to talk about Pose Method may not be enough to learn about everything I need to know about improving my running and avoiding injuries.
So I'll be attending a Pose Method Clinic o July 21st to learn more.

The Pose Method of running is one of the proper and original concept of good running technique, with the researched done and endorsed by the Olympic Training Centres and is taught around the world. The Pose Method is focuses on utilizing gravity to assist forward movement and have softer, quieter landing.

It often decreases a propensity the heel-strike and helps to decrease the force going through the joints, therapy reducing the risk of injury associated with running.

Studies point to the fact that 85% of recreational runners are injured each year in Running.

Take back after the Pose Method Clinic will be:

  • The basic of Running Technique
  • Perception skip development
  • Understand the 3 elements movement in running
  • How to utilizing gravity to run
  • How to select your running shoes
  • Know your running injuries
For more info about the session, do check out Run Fast Academy Facebook page.

Also do check out our Cik Arnab & En Kura-Kura Facebook page. There are photos and videos on the previous session that I attended available there.

Special thanks to Sam Seow for inviting me to the session.


  1. I have knee pain for many years when I ran too much. The injury from bike accident seems to be permanent for my case.

  2. I believe this knowledge is very important for everyone, not just runners on how to manage knee pain.


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