An Inspiration

A totally inspirational video and made me want to strive more.

Don't tell me you aren't moved at all seeing this.

"If you want to do it, all you have to do is do it". That's so very true.


  1. Stay healthy! It all just took a little inspiration ;)

  2. I like this video :D
    and dreaming of if one day I can run in Boston too... :P

  3. Thanks for sharing video. Inspiring on many levels - the weight loss, being fitter (to the point of being able to run a marathon), being healthier. I've always felt watching one's food intake (esp the amount) could prevent packing on extra pounds. No?

  4. An inspiring video indeed! : )

  5. Indeed all it took is just a little inspiration.... you know that video really inspired me run my first full marathon next year, I have run a few halves and 26KMs but I have always belittled myself when it comes to full marathon,, this year I chose to skip PBIM and I vow to go for the full next year and I really hope to see you guys (nick) next year in the PBIM,,,let us do at least one full marathon ya/..

    take care now

  6. Wow thanks for sharing the video. We need to see more of these positive stories, food for the soul indeed! ^^

  7. @Neoh,
    And I bet you'll realise the dream running Boston someday! :)

  8. @HappySurfer,
    Be active and of course, watch what we eat, that's true. :)

  9. @+Ant+,
    Positive stories makes us want to achieve more, don't you think so?

  10. @eugene,
    Good luck with your full marathon quest, Eugene! Will your lovely wife be running with you when you do it?

    And maybe in 2013, I can join you guys and do the full too! ^^


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