Just Start

Sometimes we feel scared.

Sometimes we didn't want to face the challenge. (Because we're scared)

Sometimes we're lazy.

But in life, if we don't try, we'll never know if we can succeed. No?

Now, I'm using the "just start" into my training. 

Just start. No matter how I feel. 

I can do a short run if I don't feel good. But just start.

I can do a quick, short run in I don't have time. But just start.

I can do a slow run if I'm feeling tired. But just start.
Like how I felt yesterday.

Ended up, I not only managed to do my 30 minutes tempo run, I had my walk training too (yes, I train for walking too) and did a few sets of hill repeats. A total of 86min workout time. On a sunny Maulidur Rasul moning. 

Just start.

It can do wonders. :-)

I am going to just start tomorrow morning too. 


  1. Wah, so inspiring one! Ya lah, that's the only way to do it, just start! Ok, ok, tomorrow I start exercising hee..hee...

  2. yes!! totally agree with both my hands and legs raised in the air, haha!!

    never tried never know, and taking the first step out will always bring you further!! :)

  3. I seem to be able to apply this concept more successfully with eating snacks than working out. >.<

    1. LOL.

      That one, just don't start! Hahaha

  4. Lina, you can do it! Lina Boleh!!


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