Hulu Langat Marathon 2017 - Photos

I decided about two weeks ago, not to run in the Hulu Langat Marathon despite registering for it. Thankfully, a friend took over my bib and we had her name legally transferred for the bib with the marathon's organiser a week before the event.
And indeed it was a wise decision, not only because I only started running this week, after a month rest from running but also because the family had so much on our plate on race day Sunday.

To top it off, I had a flu too! Ouch.

Anyways, we still dropped by the marathon for a few hours, to cheer friends and also took some (lousy) photos of runners after settling our morning errands. Hahaha

Photos of Hulu Langat Marathon that we took (around 9.20am - 11.00am) can be found at my new Facebook page:

Just look for the Hulu Langat Marathon albums. ^^

Oh yeah, I hope you can LIKE the Facebook page too. :-)

And oh, we also managed to drop by the ICE Gallery at Pantai Sentral Park to collect our race kits for next week's P.S.P. King of Forest Run before rushing off to pick up Son from his outing.


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