Bill? What bill?

Am absolutely chuffed to see the past two months' electricity bill; for obvious obvious reason,
No need to pay to TNB for the past two months.

Our monthly bill is quite low but most times it's like 50sen or so over the limit to get free electricity.

Helps that there's no air-cond in the house. The fan is switched on only at night and we pretty much occupy a single room (space) when we are awake i.e. everyone is parked in the living room despite doing different activities.


  1. Is good for you, if it's not too hot, I won't on air-con!!!

  2. So good.
    If it is with air-cond then probably much higher...

  3. I'm afraid to look at my electricity bill ! haha...

  4. wah, how nice lah.. you often do not have to pay for your electricity bill!!

    i think our bill for one month can be yours accumulated for couple of years, hahaha!!

    you only have three in your family, and laundry only once a week?? we have eight, and turn on the washing machine everyday!!

    1. Laundry ah?

      Not many la kot. Only do one every other night.
      Raimie's clothes two rounds a week.
      Zaini also same.
      Mine also, for work clothes.
      Then there's the sweaty ones used for workouts. .. another two rounds a week.
      Lastly, for me n zaini's house baju.
      I guess that's why bill so low :-D

  5. surely one family that many people jeles, no need to pay for electricity!!

    maybe if i stay alone, then i also don't have to pay lah.. because i don't use air-cond, and i don't need water heater in the shower also.. probably these two thing cause a bomb in our electricity bills..

    1. Malaysia already hot why you all need water heater dei!!!

    2. Some people are not keen to take a cold shower, especially early in the morning... huhu... Shivering woo especially after shower hihii =)

    3. Old folk would say dont have cold shower coz of "wind".

    4. Last time duduk kampung OK je mandi air tempayan. Hahaha

  6. My electricity bill sky rocket to 250+ last month due to the hot weather... :(

    1. We're lucky our apt area is quite cool n windy otherwise would've suffer too.

  7. my side here reach 300 during CNY...maybe due to all the baking

    1. I only use my oven when cooking the frozen kebab I have in my fridge. Ekeke

      But for you, naik a bit electricity bill during CNY better than buying those cookies, right?

  8. Goodness this Mak Glam's family hardly uses electricity! So glam outside but so dark inside! LOL. Wakakakaka
    You really got me thinking about why my bill is almost hitting RM200 after the hike when there's only 2 persons at home. Yeah air con ada satu sahaja. I think I use too much lights at home like a shopping centre! I even sleep with 3 lights on as I takut hantu and pencuri.

    1. Hantu will still come got lampu or not la! Wakaka

  9. I complained that my bill almost reached RM200 but my neighbours complained theirs hit 400, 500 and even past RM1000!!! That one is gila Datuk's house whose maids also sleep in air con rooms! So mewah punya orang gaji.

    1. Orang kaya's big house like Anay's sure la bill cannot be low one.

      My rumah only got 3 rooms la....

  10. I just bought 2 solar power lights to test & experiment its reliability and they are good! I will probably buy more powerful ones soon and use them to replace the 3 all-night lights! We pay the guards to jaga and patrol but cars still got stolen with many houses being broken into. Haiks!

    1. That's why better stay in small nondescript house like I do, Anay. Muahaha

  11. I actually miss staying in the condo. I was never worried about thieves when I slept at night. If they wanna break in, they would choose during the day when everyone is at work.

  12. Whenever there's bill in the letter box, scare scare to look, time to pay bills, haiz...

    1. Yeah, if only no need to pay any :-D

  13. Huhu!
    Guess what? In Sarawak, the company that earns the electricity is Sarawak Energy and they bill us higher than TNB. Not sure why the tariff is different. Haha!

    1. Depending on the energy provider, I suppose.

  14. You are very environmental conscious! Good!

    1. No lah...

      It's not about being environmental conscious in this case. We just don't use or waste what we don't need. LOL

  15. Wow i wish my electricity bill is that amount but ours is ridiculously expensive ..every month its around RM400+ .. sigh husband is talking about trying to reduce using some of the electric goods but i dont think it changed anything ..

    1. One of the expats in our company raked up around RM300 per month despite living alone. I guess sometimes certain household find it hard to reduce. I definitely don't think I'd survive without airconditioning if I live in the city centre! @.@


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